Horrible, just horrible! Went there last night for Korean food and the lady server was so mean to us we had to walk out of there while waiting for our food.
First of all, when I asked her about the menu and what her recommendation was, she was like "What do you want me to say? Just order what you like."
OK, shook my head and ordered. Then we asked for ban-chan and she said she is not going to give it to us until we get our meal and that we had no common sense. She tried to give us a full lecture about how traditional way of eating Korean food should be. I did not go to this restaurant to get a lecture from this lady. I am Korean and I know how to eat Korean food!
I have never received this kind of customer service in my life and I really think this lady needs to learn the basics of customer service. I'm from New York and I thought at least the people would be nicer than this. This is truly a shame that she treats people of her own kind like she did.
People, be aware of this restaurant and go to Ohya restaurant which we went to after we escaped this hell hole. The customer service was amazing at Ohya! I don't know if the food might have been better at Cafe Gahyang but I certainly do not want to eat at a restaurant that has a kind of service she provided. Good thing I don't live around this area so I don't have to think about going back there LOL