The first time I have ever given a "1 Star" review. Took my Cadillac in because the engine was over heating. Rich Garrick, my service tech, gave me a call back about four hours later to say that my Surge Tank was cracked in several places (small plastic tank) and the hose going to the radiator was also cracked.Rich quoted me $412 due to the part expense and extensive labor to replace to part. Naturally I wanted to get a second opinion, so I took it to a family friend mechanic in the north valley. After spending 15 minutes with the car, I was informed that the tank was fine, but the hose could be replaced; with him recommending I buy the $30 part online. Not only did the Rich lie to me, but he tried to charge me $412 for a part that took me 20 minutes and $30! Should report these crooks to the BBB. I would NOT trust these guys to work on your car!