| - There's no mistaking the house music thumping from the upstairs, where the DJ spins countless cool tunes. Upon walking into nextDOOR, your feet immediately vibrate - the music is this loud. The inside is empty, save for a couple lounge couches and art on the wall - right now showcasing the artist who does Lux's stuff. Very cool. (Not sure if they rotate the art or not, though).
But, let's face it. You didn't come here to hang indoors. The entire point of nextDOOR is that it's an outside bar. There's no mistaking where to find the bar. There are some funky tables and chairs scattered about, too. The chairs remind me of Darth Vader, to be honest. The bar stools could be a little more butt-friendly. Then again, I'm not sure patrons stay here long. It seems like a place to grab ONE drink and move along, since maintaining any kind of conversation is damn near impossible over the music. (Not that I dislike the music, for I'm a total house junkie.)
Be forewarned: If you open a tab and give them your card, they'll file it in a little index card holder, then toss it around carelessly. I watched the bartenders "tab out" a couple customers, then shove the little, black box on a shelf near the liquor. Good to know? Maybe, if you're looking to do a little ID theft on the side.
As for the actual bar...
They had about 6 beers to choose from, ranging from $5 to $7. A couple I had never heard of, which intrigued me - yet not enough to actually ask for one.
My bro ordered a jack and coke. $11 - after taxes, the menu clarified. He said it was a good drink. For the price, I would hope to think it would cure cancer. C'mon, this is, after all, and outdoor bar in Phoenix - not the Clift Hotel in San Francisco.