On impulse I stopped on my way home to get a mani and a pedi. Now everyone knows there's a big difference in quality from the typical "economy" salons and this one is a Jewel and here's why:
1). The staff from management down to nail techs are fluent in English AND more importantly they're fluent in Customer Service. They respectfully show a brochure of different price services and let you select instead of assuming and then informing the customer at checkout.
2). The services were delivered without a lot of yakking with the rest of the team. I felt like my tech was taking care of me and not distracted by the staff issues. She confirmed I wanted the same color for both fingers and toes, she confirmed I wanted oval and not square and she took her time to ensure each nail was perfect. Yes it took longer than expected but cuticles were treated gently and not torn like the last salon. My fingernails were cleaned top and under and the hand massage was short but divine.
3) The place is clean with modern decor and everything is done smartly from the acrylic displays to the sparkling white marble like floors.
4). All the fixtures look brand new, no wear and tear here just fresh and light. The chairs recline, massage and vibrate for the pedi and did I mention how spotless everything is?
5). They have also refrained from playing non English soaps or musicals and from communicating to each other in non-English for when they do the customer has to wonder if the "Ugly American" is secretly the topic of conversation and no one likes to be talked about in code.
6). My tech asked me politely to spend a few minutes waiting for the polish to set and thoughtfully handed me some magazines. This is the first time I've given them time to set because it was such a pleasant place.
All in all, my toes, fingers, back and wallet are supremely happy.