| - I found 'blue line catering' on Craigslist, which was hard to find any reviews, but, as I conversed with the owner, Roberto, he was patient in describing his service, menu, and pricing, which I considered the cost very resonable. Roberto told me he uses fresh meat, and, prepares the drinks, which we ordered Pina and Horchata, with fresh homemade ingredients; and he was right, I haven't enjoyed such dilicious drinks sine I was a child visiting the street vendors in Mexico. What I really enjoyed in hosting my mothers 70th surprise birthday party (5/30/15), is that in late May, it is very hot, and my wife and I did not want to cook the food, for one, we did not want to over heat our home, and second, we had time to focus on other areas in hosting the party. Well, it was great to see the catering grill at work, the great smells of the chicken, beef, and pork meats we chose, and the sonoran hotdogs, which, was a major hit, along with everything else...; the salsa, fixings, mini quesadillas, hot dogs, soft tacos, and drink. I was happy to hear my quests rave about the food, along with the trio, mariachi musicians, that were hired. I will definitely use blue line catering again! One more thing, I wish I could hit replay, to enjoy the whole event over again :)