The service department at this dealership is the worst.
I have a Durango that is covered under warranty and lately the a/c has been intermittent. I decided with the weather heating up that I should take it to get looked at so I found this dealership online. I made an appointment on their website for 5:30 pm the next day (I thought this was nice they had later appointments). As soon as I made the reservation I received an email that stated that my appointment was confirmed and if there were any issues I would receive a call. I never got a call so I went to the dealership as planned the next day for my appointment. When I showed up the service tech told me it was too late and there were no technicians on site. I proceeded to tell him I made an online appointment to which he responded "Oh yeah, that online thing never works". He then asked me if I could leave my car overnight. NO, I cannot just randomly without planning leave my car here with you- I have children and a family and a job. So anyways the guy told me to come back the next day at 10am and he would need to keep my car "for a few hours". I was pretty annoyed at this point, but there wasn't much I could do so I agreed to be back the next morning.
The next day I show up at 10am and the same service tech is there. I tell him I will be back between 12 and 1pm to pick up my car during my lunch break. He then tells me that the car will not be ready by then, but more than likely it will not be until 4 or 5pm. What?! Since when does a few hours constitute a whole day? Did I not make an appointment? I was so confused. The lack of customer service is astounding at this place. Not only did I have to reschedule all of my meetings, but due to his ambiguity I have no idea when my car will be ready.
Don't make the mistake I did and take your car to be serviced here. It's not worth the hassle or the headache.