So three weeks ago I finally decided to bring my aging pup to have a chiropractic assessment done. Eli is now 11 and he suffers from the kind of aches and pains we all feel as we get older. Dr. Miska Thomson was amazing with him. Straight up, my dog is a diva and puts on a stellar performance when any doctor approaches him. Quickly realizing this, Miska decided to meet Eli on the floor instead of forcing him on the table which really would have set him off. She was not fazed by his grumpiness as she made adjustments and her combination of gentleness and confidence seemed to win him over. The true test though was returning the next week. I wondered if Eli would dig his paws in, try to throw around his massive 13 lbs, and try to turn tail when he realized where I was taking him. Surprisingly, he marched right into Oma and tried to go immediately into the room where he is treated. Our third session he did the same thing. So although I don't have a night and day difference story of the benefits of animal chiropractic care, I can say without ANY doubt that Eli seems to dig this place and he has had a little extra spring in his step lately, so something is working. I am taking him for his final of a series of four sessions on Tuesday. From there we will see what is best for Eli and my budget. If you have a beloved pet and you've ever wondered if chiropractic care would help said pet, I do suggest you give it a try here at Oma.