| - Last year (April 2016), Desert Royal Painted painted the exterior of our two-story house using Sherwin Williams Duration exterior paint. Overall, the Desert Royal team did a great job! The entire job took 4 days (big, 3500 ft2 house plus privacy wall), which included pressure washing, wood prep, minor stucco/crack repair, porch ceiling re-tape and plaster/repair, ground perimeter rock removal, taping and masking of windows/doors, two coats of paint, and site cleanup. I also had them paint the privacy wall as well. The team was very professional, thorough, took their time (a good thing, IMO), and paid attention to detail and quality. Robert listened to my requests (after site walk-down) and had the team touch up a few, minor things.
To this day, the house and wall still look great, and I am glad I went with a more expensive paint (SW Duration). The paint goes on thick, coats extremely well, and it should provide many years of protection and color-fastness.
Overall, one of the most admired aspects of Desert Royal's work is the taping and masking. Prep is key when it comes to professional painting, and this is where they shined. Edge and color lines were crisp, straight, and even on every window, door, and trim piece.