I recently went to Terriaco's to have a dress altered for my son's wedding. The first thing Dominic Terriaco said to me when i walked in the door is when do you need it? Not hello or any other friendly salutation. I had called ahead to see what the lead time was and was told 2 weeks. The wedding is in 22 days. I tried on my dress and he found everything wrong said it was made wrong etc. I had ordered this dress from a very repbutable wedding shop in Charlotte NC. Of course at this point I am almost in tears as the dress was specially made to my color choices. I also had brought my MIL with me to get her suit altered too. He chastised her for removing her shoulder pads and said he couldnt do anything about it. Very poor customer service. I might add that my husband has dropped big bucks in this shop. Never again they just lost our business.
Today I took my dress to Sue in Chardon on the square she pinned it up in just a few minutes and will have it ready by the end of the week.
Thanks for all of the anguish and stress Dominic Terriaco!