75% of the time I come to this shop the staff could care less about your needs or if you even exist. Save for a couple of staff members. Unfortunately as awesome as the guys I run into are it doesn't make up for the shit service of the rest. For a shop that's being blasted across cjay92 as much as they are you'd expect better. My next complaint would be the constantly changing pricing. My brother and sister go in and pay this price one day i show up a week later with them and the price is 30 bucks more. They do have a decent juice selection and a wide range of products but I find myself steering away due to high prices and piss poor customer service. The unfortunate thing is I'd almost have to say their business model revolves around first time vapers and/or people quitting smoking. I usually don't steer people away from businesses but i will say do your research people there's a lot to learn before you spend your hard earned $