If you want to get some food but don't want to settle for being a "dollar menuaire", the crazy chicken is the place to go. I've had my fair share of encounters with crazy chicken:
-my brother was once bitten in the arm by a chicken, and soon was able to lay eggs
-after finding inspiration in a pleasantly plump mother clucker, my great uncle's dogs previous owner did (what was in his time) the first ever recorded "chicken dance"
-I once took advice from a chicken in Wisconsin, and after pulling over to ask for directions, found myself in Canada.
Don't be weary. The two piece breast and wing meal (with a drink of course) is better than getting the best parking spot at work, and remembering when you leave ('cause everyone knows when you get that good spot and forget it SUCKS!). Help yourself to the freshly chopped/diced/picked/squeezed salsa bar while you're at it! Might as well....
You may need some extra tortillas, it's OK! they're only fifty cents!
WIpe up with either the napkin-holders on each table or the individually wrapped wet naps and get on your way... you've got places to be...