Went there for dinner with the family as the little one wanted burgers. Ordered two Mushroom Swiss Bacon Whopper combos and a kids cheeseburger meal.
The kids cheeseburger meal was normal. But our two MSB Whoppers were bad. After I ordered I saw the guy at the back scrapping the bottom of a plastic container with a long spoon. The contents of which he put onto two burgers, my burgers. Anyways took the food to the table to eat.
Opened the first burger and it was watery. Looked inside and the bacon was tiny little cut strips made for a baby burger. Then the source of the liquid... little shredded remains of what was once mushrooms. Same on the other burger.
Went to the counter to ask for more mushrooms as ours looked like a hamster took a poop in it. The manager asks to see the burgers. I took them back to the counter, she opens them both and manhandles them. Literally like tossing around road kill. I asked her kindly "Please don't do that, we still have to eat them". She tells me they are ok, Burger King puts one scoop of mushroom in each burger. I said HA! Impossible! I told her what I saw earlier with the guy scrapping the container. I asked again for more of something that looked like mushrooms and we'll garnish it ourselves.
The manager goes to the back in search of mushrooms. Finds the empty container, the guy shrugs at her. She goes further back and comes out with what looks like a plastic bag filled with a stool sample. Throws it into a special Burger King machine, possibly a microwave. She comes back to the counter and tells me it will be 5 minutes before the mushrooms ready.
I took my molested burgers back the the family and told them to just eat slowly as we're waiting on more mushrooms. Five minutes pass and the cashier brings us a cup with enough mushrooms that you would think it's a side dish.
I taste the mushrooms and realize canned food really isn't all that bad. Bagged Burger King mushrooms is bad. Not wanting to waste the food nor the effort to get it, we pile on the mushrooms into our MSB Whoppers.
Suffice to say, we're not going back.