Visiting here reminded me why after spending high school and some college years working at an outlet center, I don't go to outlet centers. That being said, I do like the set up of this one. Nice looking storefronts and doesn't have a million stores all lined up waiting for your money. The outlet center on the south end of the strip is like a horror house of stores jumping out at you all at once.
Great store choices, most very high end. As expected the stores that people can actually AFFORD are mobbed. See: Forever 21. The Coach store is spacious so there's less of chance your eyeballs will be scratched out for coming too close to someone's prized purse find. LESS of a chance.
Parking is decent, big garages on both sides of the center. The food court is...a food court. Hope you like ear shattering noise as you eat. Keep in mind if it's 80 degrees in Vegas hoofing around this center will make it feel like 90. And if it's 90? You won't see me here. Know what else you won't see much of? Locals. It is tourist central...I would imagine you could hold some very successful foreign language immersion programs in one of the courtyards. But hey, it's an outlet center, all the negatives I mentioned you knew you were in for!