Been here 2-3 times. The first time I went in looking for a new manicurist and after reading the reviews decided to try this one. The place was busy so I decided to make an appt. for the following day since they couldn't take me in that night immediately. I went the following morning and an older lady that never smiles or properly greets was there again. The pink & white acrylic itself was ok, very sharp at the edges so I accidentally scratched myself a few times wiping sweat after a work out which was a first.
6 months later I decided to go in again and get a quick pedi only. The same boss lady that gives the stank eye was there again standing ugh. It's a good thing I was wearing my evil eye necklace that night. I spoke to a guy that asked me to pick out a color and a nice young lady with glasses (didn't speak but smiled a lot) did my pedi & did a fab job. I was ready to leave so I asked different older lady that never smiles either where I can pay since no one ever seems to be at the desk. She helped me and told me I needed a fill on the way out. No thanks I'd rather go to a place with better energy. I think the older generation that works here definitely have a poor attitude so I'm a little shocked on the flawless reviews this place has. I would never try this place again, and now have a bigger appreciation for my manicurist at Polished even though it can get a little cray cray in there.