| - "You'll be back."
That's what she told me as I walked out--half dozen in hand, bug-eyed and smiling ear to ear like one of their signature donuts--after finding out it was my first time there. Let me tell you, after devouring that half dozen in less than 24 hours, she wasn't kidding.
Let's rewind a bit though. I walked in, overwhelmed by all the unlabeled varieties. After standing there with a stupid look on my face pretending I knew what the hell I was looking at, I caved in and begged her to list all of the varieties. Like clockwork, she took me down each tray and spouted them off one by one, nonstop, all in one breath. She was nuts. I was impressed. There were at least 30 varieties. I wanted to leap over the trays of crullerchocolatecrullerstrawberrycrullertoastedcoconutwhitecremechocolatecremesaltedcaramelblueberryfillingraspberryfillinglemonfillingstrawberryfillingpeachfillingapplefillingraspberryglazedbananasplitvanillacustardgermanchocolateblahblahbsjdlfajsd;fja and give her the highest of fives if I wasn't stuck trying to play back the last 10 seconds in my mind to see if I could remember half of what she listed.
There was one donut that definitely stood out though, and that was the "Elvis". The Elvis is a banana custard donut topped with a large dollop of peanut butter creme and bacon bits. I'll give you a moment to clean the drool off your keyboard................ Okay. Obviously I had to get my hands on this glorious beast, and it did not disappoint. It was such a perfect blend of flavors. One of the best donuts I've ever had. All I have to say is long live the king. Other varieties I tried were the cruller (a must), banana split with strawberry creme (good), custard with white creme (yes please), maple bacon (no brainer), and salted caramel (good but my teeth are hurting and oh my god did I just eat this many donuts in one day?!).
I already can't wait to get my hands on more. I'll never look at Krispy Kreme or Dunkin Donuts the same. Jack Frost has set the bar, people.
TL;DR - I'll be back.