have you ever had a meano hang over and wanted to eat all the bacon in the world, and then you got a chance to eat all the bacon in the world, and started eating all the bacon in the world, and halfway through you decide you made a mistake wanting to eat all the bacon in the world? that pretty much sums up Emperor's buffet.
I've eaten all meals here, breakfast, lunch and dinner. I can't really knock them too much because they're one of the least expensive buffets on the Center Strip. The items are all basic stuff. Eggs and bacon (yummy turning into bleh) for breakfast, turkey carving station and fried chicken for lunch, meatloaf and roast carving station for dinner. Nothing fascinating or especially spectacular.
But, it's inexpensive and the lines are not too long. Plus, it's on the same floor as the sports book. 2.5 stars.