Let me start by saying that Scot basically saved the day! We were taking a ride out to one of the canyons near Santa Monica Beach. We were about 10 miles up the canyon, when I asked to pull over because I had to reposition myself.
This is when shit hit the fan. Construction on the road we were taking was slow and poorly done as the road blended in with the inch high gravel that was on the side of the road. My boyfriend found a look out spot that he thought would be a great for us to chill and enjoy the view.
So basically we hit gravel, front tire slides out from under us, boyfriend topples, I tried to hold the bike up then topple and his clutch lever basically broke in half at the joint when the bike went down. There was only two houses in the next 1/4 mile and the first one was empty.
I knocked on the second house's door and Scot answered. I informed him we crashed and needed to use his landline for a tow truck because Canyons never have cell signal. Turns out he was a mobile motorcycle mechanic and was our rescue. He said he might not have any spare parts but dug through his magical red truck of wonders anyways. Found us a clutch that only needed to be grinded down a little to be perfect and installed it for us. Thank you scott.
His friend that came out informed us more about the canyon we were at and why the roads were bad.
We would have left earlier but my boyfriend thought he lost the key when the bike went down. So we went looking. Scott came back out and checked on us because we left the bike, thanks again man
Good day.