| - Red Velvet heart is melting just typing. This little hidden gem of a cafe is by far one of my favorite places to go for vegetarian and vegan alternatives.It is nice to have a place with healthy alternative. Here is what I ordered Trust'll love them as much as I love you. Which is a lot.
Taco Salad: Chipotle Shell Filled With Rice, beans, Grilled Chicken or
Vegan Meat, Topped With Shredded Lettuce, Cheese, Avocado, Salsa, and love.
Ay yi yi! This is possibly my favorite salad ever! Although very simple it is quite the proportion. I actually first tried it with grilled chicken. Although that was divine and the chicken was so fresh and perfectly cooked, I decided to be adventurous and try Vegan Meat. That contradiction alone made me a skeptic. What the heck is vegan meat?!? I'll tell you what it is. It's DELISH. I highly suggest the vegan meat for you carnivore dare devils.
Orange & Blueberry Lemonade: Don't ask questions. Just drink it.
Now I may have gone a little overboard on the desserts. They were all vegan, but I couldn't say no. So I ordered four different mini cakes. Don't judge me. They were mini which means I can have that many. ( oh and I bought some vegan chocolate-chip cookies for the road.) ANYWHO
Tiramisu cake, Raspberry/Blueberry cake, Banana Split Cake, and Vanilla Chocolate Chip cake.
The only one I did not enjoy was the Tiramisu. It was really strong. Like drinking your coffee black and this girl likes 3 Splendas and cream if you know what I mean.
Alll in all my experience was phenomenal. From the food to the over and beyond hospitality from the Red Velvet Team.
Now go enjoy these delectable options. I double dog dare you. But if you do, please invite me. It is the right thing to do.