Horrible customer service! I have flown with Spirit before and had good experiences.
However, this last experience was extremely disappointing. I bought a plane ticket a couple of months ago for a flight in August. I also bought the insurance (which was advertised with the purchase) in the event I needed to cancel. The flight was for a training conference and sure enough my job title changed and the training was no longer applicable. I canceled the trip and applied for a full refund and was turned down. I filed a factual on-line complaint/review with Spirit Airlines and they refused to post it. It's sad how much they milk every penny out of what was once a returning customer.
Tips: 1) Don't bother buying the insurance unless you think you will encounter some kind of catastrophic event. 2)Don't pay for baggage ahead of time because they won't even reimburse for that. 3) If you have to cancel, wait until the last minute so the airline will have a harder time getting paid again for the same seat.