| - So. I have always admired LV from afar, but never really been drawn to anything in particular -- primarily because there is too much I am drawn too. But also because I do not like to buy the same purse that everyone else is carrying. I had been eyeing a particular piece since its debut last fall and now, this review details my first Louis purchase because I finally couldn't stay away and found something that stands out for just me! The experience could not have been better.
Please, if you visit the Louis Vuitton store inside the Bellagio, look for a pretty girl named Brett. She is the best. I first went in just to ask if I could "see" the piece in person and actually take a closer look. She was more than happy to assist and chatted with me as we both ogled together and expressed our mutual admiration for the craftsmanship and intricate detail. She was very warm and friendly, as well as patient while I thought out loud on whether I really wanted to go for it. She was well-versed in the construction and detail of many of the items I looked at which was nice.
I finally ended up leaving without, saying I needed to "take a lap," and think on it. You know, one of those, if I leave and distract myself, but keep thinking about it in the back of my mind, I must "need it," right? Right?! There was never a single moment I felt pressured or like I wasting her time as a shopper who wasn't serious or something and she gave me her card in the event I wanted to return.
Well, the odds were in my favor that evening folks, and the powers that be wound my path back to their door. Thankfully she was still there, and so was the piece. Clearly, it was meant to be. She brought the purse back out and after trying it on again, I just knew. It was a perfect fit. Even the other assistants in the store were excited for me!
Once again, if not for the professionalism and kindness of Brett, I may have continued wandering the Earth blind. Now, if I'm having a bad day, all I have to do is think of my new purchase and smile my cares away.