| - Now perhaps partial credit is due to my natural embrace of new terrain and adventure, but I absolutely loved my morning hike at sunrise up the Cholla Trail.
Although is was no longer dark by the time we parked and began our hike, it was still early enough to make enough strides to actually see sun rising in the distance. It was absolutely beautiful.
On the way up, I was surprised to see how many people were already on their way down. Maybe it's because I'm not an avid hiker, but even with a headlight, I'd probably feel a little uncomfortable with the number of grooves and loose rocks to navigate.
In terms of difficulty, I found it to be perfect. I consider myself athletic, so while there may be times I'm in better shape, my muscle memory and drive can usually compensate for whatever physical ability I may lack. I'd say when I went on this hike, my workout schedule had been light to moderate, and I still found this hike very manageable but not at all boring.
It was also nice to see how chipper so many of the hikers passing us were. Everyone was so courteous, smiling and wishing us good morning. I will say though that on our way down, we probably encountered a more steady volume of folks heading up, so I'd assume the earlier, the better to arrive.
Overall, this hike was the perfect blend of inspirational, beautiful and invigorating and will remain a memory that I will cherish.