I'm adding a star to my original review for a couple of reasons.
#1) I'm totally falling for this place. The last few times I've been in I've recieved a LOT less attitude from the bar staff. Crappy attitudes don't bother me too much to begin with. I figure that the person in question either has an overinflated ego (because it takes a pretty high skill level to open beer and poor wine) or they're PMS'ing....whatever. Either way, one thing is for certain...it's not my problem.
It is nice to be warmly received though... and they are extremely knowledgeable when questioned about the different artists. I felt as though they genuinely gave a shit that words were coming out of my mouth.... how refreshing. ;-)
bringing me to---
#2) The art (recently)
- let's just say that I have a couple of new favorite local artists and if things go the way I expect them too, I may not be able to pay my rent next month.
The End