Maybe it's just me, but I'm a dipper. I like to tear my bagels and dip them in cream cheese. It's a control thing, don't judge!!
So yesterday I saw the flashing lights of Einsteins. (Not literally!) But I was flying along Dysart and saw the store. Flipped a bitch (u-turn) and went back. (Sorry red Toyota, didn't mean to cut you off!) . Never noticed it before, but I usually take Litchfield to I-10. Why does this matter? Because I had a bagel! And I'm writing a review. ;)~
Anywho... Like I said I'm a dipper. I like to dip my treats in warm gooey goodness. Einsteins smothered the hell out of this bagel. Which is ok, since I was paying for cream cheese, I'd rather have more than less and not feel like I was ripped off.
Driving down Dysart with my sonic coke and cream cheese all over. There was more white on that little bagel than up a hookers nose. It was good. I'll be back. They have more than bagels, they have pastries, eggs, coffee, tea... Good place next time I'll just ask for my dip on the side and see if you get just as much.