We decided to view a movie at AMC Town Square. Arriving early for a 7 pm showtime, I requested to use the restroom. I was told by the female ticket taker that as the current movie hadn't ended, we would not be permitted into the theatre. She then proceeded to suggest that I go to one of two neighboring businesses. Not only was this suggestion not guest friendly, but to suggest that I use the facilities at a place I was not patronizing that night was inappropriate. I requested to speak to a manager at the ticket counter and no one ever showed up. The ticket taker also seemed to be more interested in texting on her phone than having any interaction with guests.
Theatre was acceptable and clean but for the money, Regal offers reclining seats and friendly service.
As I am disabled, it was a great inconvenience to walk up and down the stairs twice because of a policy that is not only a disservice to the guest but to the surrounding businesses as well. Attempts to reach the theatre by phone were also unsuccessful as they have a recorded message that states they are too busy .
Highly unlikely I would return.