Yeah, it's big. Got it. If I were a twelve year old tourist from someplace with no malls I would think that Jesus lived here. But generally speaking there are maybe two stores here I ever need to go into, and I'd just as soon they were standalone stores as this monstrosity.
To be fair, I never understood the urge to stroll a mall as entertainment - they are gross, with shitty florescent lights and bad overpriced greasy food. And there's never, ever a bathroom. Even when it's not the dreaded 8 month "holiday season" it's stressful and panic inducing. And really, I can't think of anything more embarrassing than the fact that a huge chunk of our downtown core is dedicated shopping center space. Showing friends in from out of town the "downtown" is like this: "Oh do you like malls? No? Oh well I guess don't go on Yonge Street between Richmond and Gerrard."
I bet it brings in a gazillion dollars, yes. For tourists who come to shop in stores they have in slightly less density in their own home malls. For any other purpose this mall could be in any other part of the city. So let's get on the phone and see if anyone can figure out how to move it, ok?