| - Really just a great festival. I'm going to start out with the location. Can't get much better than downtown las vegas. The scene doesn't get bad at all and if you had a dead spot during your time in the festival ( I didn't), then go get some cheap drinks and gamble a bit. That being said there were plenty of drinks in the festival.
The food was an eclectic variety that could satisfy almost any diet. Even if you only wanted to try things here and there, there were definitely places that I will visit to have a sit down meal and check their menu out.
I have to mention this in the review. Bathrooms are very important at a festival and there were plenty as well as plenty of stations to fill up on water. Were they the best bathrooms? No, but if you were a bit particular about bathrooms you were in downtown vegas and could've left the festival to find some nicer ones without wasting more than 15 minutes.
The art and atmosphere were amazing as well. From the wall to where you could make any message in a certain color to the wire sculpture of the msn that was always looking at you. The artwork did not disappoint. A ferris wheel is classic and appropriate and it was there well lit. One of the best things there was the Huntridge stage that had grass brought in. It was a good change of environment that allowed people to relax, eat, and just enjoy the festival on a nice piece of greenery. You won't see too much grass in vegas otherwise.
Lastly, the music. A great diverse mixture of artist. I won't harp too much on it because the performances spoke for themselves. The headliners were Kanye, Outkast, and Foo Fighters with Panic at the disco, flaming lips, and Skrillex playing at the other stage when the headliners were on each night. Respectively. No one disappointed. I'm partial to Outkast, so I thought they were the best, but that's no shade thrown at any other act.
I will be going in 2015.