Update: Just had the "GE certified" tech directly from GE come to fix the damage done by Appliance Repair "Experts" to our 3 yr old fridge/freezer! The freezer and ice maker now work like a dream. Here is what the tech found:
1. The ice maker ARE installed was not for our fridge. it was actually a GE ice maker that was for fridges that don't come equipped with an ice maker.
2. The "new" motherboard that was installed was not compatible with GE and was from around 1990.
3. The ice maker had been "tweaked" and the paddle was tilted, causing water to flow into the ice bin
4. The valve installed was also a used part, not made for a GE freezer/ice maker. ARE actually had to saw off the bracket to get the "new" valve to fit.
5. The auger had also been 'tweaked" and bent by ARE
6. The injector valve had been crimped and broken by ARE....and we were told by ARE that they actually replaced the part!
A full bucket of perfect ice that actually dispenses out of the door later.........ARE tried to charge us over $800 for all they did to the fridge. The GE tech charge less than $300 to completely replace the ice maker, the valves, the thermometer, the motherboard and about 5 other parts. The gentleman was very pleasant (unlike the President of ARE who was completely rude and obnoxious)
Save your money and go with the techs who are certified by the manufacturer of your appliances!! I've NEVER had such a horrible experience with a company in my life!!