| - I think it's sad that the Mirage permits this "business" to operate out of their hotel. No one is informed about their policies (the first hour free for hotel guests) then $10. bathing suits ONLY (and sporty ones), if you go in shorts just to relax, you are denied admittance.
The security person who admits people exudes TOTAL ATTITUDE.
I had a great time at the Mirage hotel, I wouldn't think of going here. So much if an adult just wants to go, and relax. I was at a conference, and the only times I could go were at the end, and the day I came at 11am (when I was checking out) , with my luggage being held, I was not permitted to enter because I wore shorts.
I reported them to the hotel. Oh, and the kicker, get this. When I said I wanted to relax and see what this pool was like (without being surrounding by kids), they took out a picture of it to show me.
Are you kidding? I hope if Mirage management reviews social networking, they will see what type of business is allowed on their grounds.
Oh, and they also told me and I quote, "We are a business".