This is very rare that a place like cox can get a 5 star rating. Here is why.
I went to cox bc the makeshift internet provider in my apt community was horrendous. I have reviewed them in my portfolio of reviews. If you live where I do cox is the only choice.
I ordered services online. VERY VERY EASY.
I then got a call from a csr to verify the installation. I was going to do a self install. They told me the router Would be with the guy who hooks up the cable on the outside. So I got it, hooked it up and was up and running in minutes. The download tests were really high. Totally stoked.
The router started to act up and my beliefs started to go away about how great they were. I called them and they said they can send another router out to me. It could be damaged. I told them I don't have that kind of time. So they said I could pick it up from the store.
I went to the store and it was already provisioned and ready to go. As I was waiting I had gotten a csr call from the acct start up team and told them what was going on. They apologized and said they would check back in to make sure everything went fine. So I got the new router went home and it worked fine.
Yeah, there were a few issues but they took care of business.
The internet access NEVER goes down, and better yet, my speed got doubled for free starting this month.
So I am very happy.