I have been looking for a Pork Pie hat so I can be Heisenberg from the popular "Breaking Bad" series for Halloween. I usually like to shop on line but thought it best to try a hat on before buying it. A quick call verified that Heritage Hats had what I was looking for in stock, Pork Pie hats are almost impossible to find because of the series and Halloween. The owner, Rich, said he would put the hat aside for me and off I went.
The giant "HATS" sign on the west side of Cave Creek Rd. is impossible to miss. When I walked in I was completely blown away by the sheer number, variety and styles of hats they carry. I'm not a hat person per se but I found the selection irresistible. Rich is also very friendly, knowledgeable and helpful and I ended up walking out with another hat in addition to the one I originally intended to purchase. I will be back for more!