Consensus: If you like saying "what", "huh" or "can you please repeat that" when you talk to anyone in the club, Life is the club for you. If you value the vibrations coming out of your mouth reaching the small holes in the side of your friends, associates or the girl-you're-trying-to-sleep-with's head Life may not be the club for you!
Another note. The "bottle hawks" (AKA waitresses, aka BH) are very aggressive when you have bottle service. They have one mission in this life: to empty your bottles as fast as they can so you either GTFO or buy more. As you can see, customer satisfaction is number 1 here! A word of advice: when one of these ferrel, aggressive BH's attacks your bottle or tries to yank your glass out of your hand so it can pour your drink too stiff, you just say "no bottle hawk! Bad bottle hawk!!" Another word of advice, the second you set your glass down no matter how full, the BH or one of its parasitic underlies will pretend to think you're done with it and take it away! Keep it in your hand or eyesight at all times.
It's a shame the aforementioned things exist here because the club has a really nice layout. Bottle service was really taken into consideration when they designed this club. Our bottle service section was right next to the dance floor. The crowd was a good mix but it really cleared about between 2-3am (we went on a Saturday night).