I was treated very rudely - surprised as I'd seen all the good reviews. I walked in and no one acknowledged me. A young guy with a pony tail eventually spoke to me after I asked if he worked there. He didn't really answer so I asked if there was someone who could work on my bike. He said, " they're all really busy". I could clearly see behind the counter where three staff were in a circle talking. Finally one came out and I asked how he was doing and he said, "busy". I said I needed some work done on my bike and it was no rush. He said, "I can't work on it today". I said, "yes, I just told you it wasn't a rush." I told him I needed cables/housing, chain, etc. and he just looked at me. So finally I said, "did you want me to go somewhere else??" And he said, yes. So I left. I hope the owner reads these reviews and does some remedial "the customer actually pays my salary" training.