They reported that I do not have any fractures or breaks in my lumbar spine. I had doctors look at it and yes there are both. What ticks me off the most is that I had to put ice on my back for 4 months constant severe pain and because the radioligist didnt report correctly my stupid pain management doctor only knows how to look at the report so I am still dealling with so much pain. They also wrote I have a schmodes mode when in fact it is a cyst that is growing and it is the culprit of the break and even scoliosis.
I tried calling to see who to complain to and no answers I have looked on line to who to complain to and nothing. I am dealing with so much pain I do not have the energy to provise the medical board with facts. I AM SO SICK OF THIS over and over I am getting the same lazy unknwolegable so called radioloigst and new doctors. I have health choice and I KNOW that they only get 30% on the dollar so they could care less and this has got to stop but I dont know how to make it stop.
JERKS it is because of you that I am not getting proper help. Then they say same as before - well thats bullcrap to you LAZY jerks they dont write down everything that is wrong only a couple things and onto the next patient.