This Walmart correctly and promptly handled my Ship-To-Store order. I didn't know that EVER happened.
It also carries family-sized packs of chocolate Gansitos. You will never want Twinkies or Zingers again, once you've had Gansitos.
The fast food eatery is a very expensive Subway, so you can have some illusion of healthfulness if you're starving mid-trip, but this is a good neighborhood for cheap food, so I'd eat at the plaza across 51st Avenue.
Otherwise, it's a Walmart. It's better on Mexican food than a lot of them, and it's the only place I've ever seen canned boiled peanuts. It does not achieve the breakdown-of-society chaos of the Walmarts at Christown or at Thomas and 36th Street, and if you're hauling stuff to the bus, the parking lot is pleasingly shallow. It does not, however, aspire to the majesty of the Walmart at the far north end of Scottsdale.