USE ANOTHER LANDSCAPER OR BUYER BEWARE - Get all quotes for work to be performed in writing BEFORE allowing this contractor to perform ANY work for you. This includes the cost for all parts and the different hourly labor charges for different type of work. ALSO, be sure to VERIFY all prices on the final invoice as prices tend to change in the upward direction between various amendments to estimates and from the estimate to the final invoice (example - Cost of curbing per ft going from 2.75 to 3.86 on estimates, and when "corrected" for final invoice, only going back down to 3.25/ft).
BEFORE - I was told rate was $45/hour for all labor outside of normal monthly service. ON INVOICE - I was billed $95/hour for grading work, and was told that was "outside normal additional labor" when I complained.
BEFORE - I was told I would be charged his cost for parts since he (owner - Sean Garcia) "makes his money on labor". ON INVOICE - I was billed marked up prices for parts which were in EXCESS of what I would pay RETAIL for these parts at the local Home Depot or Lowes. (example - charged DOUBLE RETAIL for a timer for a sprinkler system). When I complained, I was told he never would have said he charged his cost for parts, and that all contractors mark up parts. Not the ones I have dealt with before or since...
Fired him as my monthly landscaper, and would suggest you avoid him at all costs.