| - While the service was very good and the decor was passable, the food at Mt. Everest left a lot to be desired.
While the lunch buffet only cost $9.99, the food was very, very average. There were two meat dished, a few vegetarian dishes, and a small salad bar, so there was some variety, but the quality left a lot to be desired. The meat dishes were dry and cooked carelessly - the pieces of chicken looked like they'd been hacked at - and the veggies at the salad bar were dry and looked rather waxy. The only good dishes were the vegetarian ones, and while they tasted okay, it didn't feel like much care had been taken in their preparation.
Dinner, while much better, also came with a much steeper price tag. An order of tikka masala, rice, and naan set me back $16, and the portions of tikka masala and rice were truly very small for the price tag.