Not of big fan of the location, or the interior, or the pho here.
The pho is Pho-Kim-Long-priced ($10) and just mediocre. After a few spoonfuls I was regretting not choosing to go to a ramen place instead. A pretty bad situation, considering I was actually in the mood for pho when I got here, and their pho convinced me otherwise. And there I was sitting in front of a big bowl of boring pho.
I have to note that the bathroom is in an outside hallway of the adjoining strip mall / office complex. Weird and probably not the safest scenario at night, considering the low-rent industrial area this restaurant is in, just near West of the Las Vegas strip. Think Commercial Center (on Sahara) where Lotus of Siam is, and then imagine having to go outside to use the bathroom. Weird, right?
Broth = meh. Location = ick. Unlikely I'll be back.
But lots of people seem to love it!