Being a woman and a senior on a very limited budget seems to work against me when repairs are needed on my vehicle. Because of past experiences, I asked my son to take my 2004 Dodge Durango in to the dealership. He is very mechanically savvy and knows my vehicle well since I am the original owner. My SUV was taken in for full diagnostic at a cost of $150.00 to confirm a problem that another mechanic had diagnosed. Came back with confirmation with an estimate of $1300. I had two other estimates for the same work at $600 and $800; both were reputable independent shops. My son and I agreed that the extra $500 (at least) would be worth the assurance the repair would be made correctly. Imagine our surprise when my son and I went to pick up the vehicle yesterday... paid the $1324 due and went to our separate vehicles being totally confident SUV was reliable... Pulled out of the parking lot and drove less than 1/2 block when the check engine light popped on! Exactly the reason for paying the $150 for diagnostic to be run in the first place! What happened next is what sent my blood pressure soaring! The service advisor was extremely rude... And started spewing half truths.... Fortunately, my son was there and could respond politely but accurately. I shudder to think how I would have responded had I been alone. Apparently the work was done but no one did a test drive... Really??? Right now the vehicle is still at the dealership. Another day without transportation. Should anyone really have to encounter this attitude when a lot of money has been spent? It seems they know you're at their mercy... For a senior with limited funds, I am totally stressed by this surprise. I am hoping it will end well and will update with the final outcome. Bottom line, it's good to know they don't discriminate bad attitudes against just little old ladies...