| - Let's be realistic here. The odds of an Ignition Interlock place receiving 5 stars is probably unlikely. I have been waiting to write a review and had considered waiting until removal before doing so. However, every time I check in, I see how awful the reviews are and just don't completely agree with what I have seen.
I understand that most of them are older. I also understand that people just aren't happy with having this service at all (in most cases). I obtained my device in November 2016 and I chose this company because I was given false information that the cost was considerably less expensive than other places. I had previously had another interlock device on my vehicle and used a different company. So, my first day I was a bit upset with learning the cost was comparable, as all of the places are. I'm still saving about $10/month and I do not believe the install/removal costs nearly as much as the other place.
I have not had any issues that could not be resolved with this device or this location. I had a machine that was being a bit temperamental and they switched it out for me, not a problem. The guys are usually pretty nice when I go in and they're doing they're job, what more can I ask for?
They have told me on several occasions to come about 20 minutes prior to my appointment in case they're busy and some times they are busy, but they get me in and they get me out and well, it isn't all that bad.
I have sat there and heard them notify people of their failed tests or their missed tests and they do in fact charge for these (35$ 1st miss/fail), they let you know ahead of time they charge for these and it's amazing to me that people argue with them over these things. Or try to act as though the machine failed them for no reason. I have yet to have had it report false information and highly doubt those who claim they weren't drinking really weren't drinking. If it were me, I would simply call them and report it immediately, I would also physically go in if I was failing but sober and find out what was going on or request a new machine and I bet, they'd give it to me.
If you're drinking don't drive. If it's the following day and you fail, don't retest immediately because you will fail again. Best to get a handheld device if these are possible circumstances for you. They are available at Walgreens among a number of other places (I believe they sell them at Quickstart as well), not only to help with those times you're not sure but also to ensure that when you have it removed you won't be back for another one.