What a discovery!!! My kids (who love sweets) wanted cupcakes the other day, so I looked up on yelp a place for cupcakes near us and found The Cupcakery. I got a dozen of the mini cupcakes - they were pricer than the other one would have been ($26 for dozen - about $10 more than the regular sized dozen but the little a big one is provably the size of 2 or even 3 little ones) - my decision was not financially based but I thought I would rather have the kids eat a little one and have nothing go to waste or do not have them OD on sugar.
Back to the actual cupcakes - they were super yummy. Unlike most places the cake had flavor to it, was moist, and very tasty. The frosting was good too and not disgusting (99% of the times I throw it away or keep only very little of it because it's too sweet and tastes shitty).
The lady put some glitter on them once they were in the box and they looked awesome. Sorry - no picture. They were devoured as soon as the box was open.
Anyway, they also make cakes to order and I will definitely give them a try in February for my daughter's second birthday. Can't wait to taste that cake :)