Deep in the heart of downtown Phoenix lies a tiny venue called The Rhythm Room. It holds a total capacity of about 300 people and separates all ages (under 21 crowd) from the 21+ crowd. To a person under the age of 21, it seems like a awful place because they rope off that tiny section at the side of the stage. For someone over 21, it can be fun to watch a show because you have the entire front view of the stage, which is very low to the ground. Often times there is no use of barricades which allows for maximum interaction between the audience and performer. The drink selection at the full bar is awesome and they have great prices so you can afford to buy a drink after buying your ticket. For such a small venue, the parking lot is adequate. The acoustics aren't very good, but such an intimate venue creates and electrified environment. There are nearby bars and gas stations within walking distance if you don't want to drive home immediately after the show. The biggest issue is that the venue isn't exactly in the safest area, being in downtown Phoenix.