The Cielo is a great location for an apartment, but for the price there's definitely better. We rented through a corporate relocation agency so we were lucky to have a move-in ready loft. The agency was great and staff were always friendly, but the staff at Cielo was consistently rude, short or totally unhelpful.
For example, when I walk in and ask for direction to find the apartment I am renting... say number 342, don't reply in a snobby voice "Um welllll, you take the elevator to like the 3rd flooooor...." No shit genius. My PhD wouldn't allow me to have considered that as an option. Perhaps I meant, can you confirm the apartment number for me or can you direct me to where the elevator actually is?
When I ask how do I open the gate for visitors, don't tell me that there's no remote option and reinforce that I'll "...just have to wake my children up and carry them downstairs in order to open the gate for the babysitter.
These are the types of responses we got while here. I loved the apartment and the loft was great, but honestly the better than thou attitude should really be put in check. You'd think referrals would be appreciated and the place would want to be known as the best out there. We paid too much to be treated like we were squatters...