I recommend that you use a different company altogether. However if you are bound
to Walgreens you definitely want to use a different location.
I have no idea where they find their people but they don't know what they are doing
at all and must be poorly trained on top of that. Their miss information with the basic knowledge required combined with their lack of any empathy and their proficiency with making mistakes will drive you out of you're mind and then you will require more medications just to make it through the week. I handed them a prescription given to me and hand signed by my doctor and they tell me it doesn't looks real because at the top of it it says Fry's Pharmacy on it. I tell them that is because that is my regular Pharmacy but they don't have a competitive price on this medication so I did my research and found out that Walgreens does have a better price. Still they decline to fill it. I hold it up to the window and show him my Doctor's signature it's right here. These people are so ignorant it seems to me that they are looking for excuses to not not fill certain medications. The head of the Pharmacy on Sundays says he will need to call the Doctor because it is a Narcotic. I knew it wasn't but I came home and checked just to make sure, guess what it is not even a Narcotic. There are RED flags here all over the place. I stopped using them years ago because of these kinds of constant blunders and hassles. These are serious issues here and were talking about Medical Prescriptions it's not like they make bad tasting cookies. I would,t trust their cookies either.!!!!!!!!!!!