when it comes to rating grocery stores in vegas, you have von's (outrageous), albertsons (semioutrageous), and smith's (tied for semi-outrageous). so the time came when i had to go to wally world for some much-needed replenishments, in the way of beauty supplies and some food.
took the same shopping list of items i already procured at von's for a comparison test to this walmart near a friend's house. this walmart was very clean. i was immediately lost since i don't frequent this area of town. i made casual inquiries to shoppers as to where to find things in this store and they were so friggin friendly and helpful. got me wondering, is it the people/customers of walmart or is it the area of town? i came from summerlin where they voted no against a walmart in their back yard, but i have no doubt you'll find those same shoppers at a nearby walmart every weekend (the snobs that they are won't admit it though). had a large shopping order to complete that encompassed both ends of the store. got it done with customer's directions in less than an hour.
I kid you not $124.97 at my local Von's cost me $87.01 for the identical items at walmart. Significant savings over time and the people watching aspect is an added plus.