Not super thrilled with this place. Mainly the $75 minimum for the Sunday NFL games. Thats $75 for just one set of games - either the morning games that start at 10am, or the afternoon games that start at 1pm.
The venue looks great in pictures. Stadium seating with a dozen or so large TV's as well as a giant screen all playing different NFL games. Comfy couches and plenty of tables to set your food on. I was expecting football nirvana...until we were led to a side room with some basic restaurant style seating and a few TV's on the wall. I might not have minded as much if there were just more TV's in that room. We had a large wall, with plenty of unused space, but only one TV. About every two or three tables there was another TV. The problem is everyone wants to see a different game. My table got there early and got the waitress to put the Raiders game on. Two tables over was the Red Zone channel. Anyone in between was forced to watch one or the other. I would have loved to see 2-4 TVs side to side and top to bottom. Plenty of room in there for that and it just might have made this trip worth it.
Hopefully you like the food, because you'll be ordering a lot to cover the $75 minimum. I will say I did enjoy the food - high end bar type food. I ordered so much it became a blur, and after a while was just ordering to cover the minimum. It might have been easier if I was ordering alcohol, but since I was driving back home after the game, that was a no go.
I might actually come back if I could be guaranteed seating in the main stadium, but I'll probably just catch a game somewhere else. It's Vegas, there are plenty of options.
tl;dr - Great for those who can eat a lot, and get to sit in the main stadium. Just okay for everyone else.