We've heard about this place from a number of people so we had to try it. We each got a platter with 2 empanadas. The empanadas are really small. So if you split one, it is about 4 small bites. The cheeseburger empanada was definitely the best, although couldn't be low in calories because there was actually grease dripping out when I cut it in half to share. But it was delicious. The El Capitain was probably our second favorite with the chicken and mushroom 3rd and the pork last. The maduros dipped in cream sauce were tasty--it seemed like the more I ate them the better I liked them. The taste grew from ok to yummy. The rice and black beans were good. If you mixed them together with the cabbage and added some of their jalapeƱo cilantro sauce, they were much more flavorful. For dessert we split the fig with mozzarella and dulce de leche. It was delicious.
Price was moderate. They add a surcharge to the price of the food, because of the minimum wage increase in AZ rather than raising the price of the food. A little odd. We had water with lemon to drink. After tax and tip our total was $40. Not too bad.
It was a fun place to try and yay that Mesa has another non-chain restaurant!