Because we live in Las Vegas..and the weather is way to hot to spend in a park, a place like Kinderland is perfect for my toddler. The place is clean, and there is a lot for the child to do. Remember, this is not a childcare place, it's a place for your child to play, indoors..air conditioned, and a place for you to interact with them. It would be nice if some of the parents that are parked on the comfy couches watched their child a little more, especially the ones who have children who tend to bully...but that's why I watch what my child is doing. Jessica is great, as are all the owners..and they seem to remember all the kids and do play with them, even though I don't think it's their job to do so.They have poured a lot of love into their business..and did their research on what kids would like.. I am grateful for this place..and would highly recommend it.