| - ~ Verified order
Worst Customer Service Ever...
I needed a SuperGlide hitch and they had it - cheaper than anyplace else. But my delivery window was short. So, on a Monday morning, before ordering, I contacted Dyers RV via their online chat to explain that I needed the hitch by Wednesday morning and inquire if they could make that delivery window. The chat operator reached out to a Dyers RV customer service rep, Dawn, and brought her into the chat.
Dawn asked me to hold while she confirmed with the shipper and returned to advise that, yes, they could absolutely deliver by Wednesday and that if I placed my online order right then, she would personally ensure that the hitch was shipped out on Monday (their warehouse is only 20 miles from my home). So, excited that they could meet my window I ordered....
Monday came and went with no contact from the shipper to confirm the delivery window. Tuesday morning I reached out to Dyers, who directed me to the shipper with a tracking number. Shipper advised the number was not in their system - normal until they actually pick up the item. Yep, Dyers did not actually ship it on Monday....
I explained problem to shipper, who was very accommodating and advised that there was a slim chance they would pick up the item Tuesday afternoon and that I could shortcut the delivery process (because they would need two days to deliver after picking up, i.e., THURSDAY) by getting clearance to will call at their terminal. They referred me back to Dyers to get them to update the order accordingly so they could release the item at their terminal.
Reached out to Dyers, first customer service rep was very nice and helpful, but advised there was nothing she could do to release the item. She put me in contact with her supervisor - DAWN - the same lady who advised that the shipment would go out on Monday who was not immediately available....Dawn called me back about 10 minutes later.
Dawn and I spoke on the phone for about 5 minutes as she advised that she did not know why the item hadn't shipped, and was unable to reach her warehouse to confirm status or aid me in getting the item released through the shipper at the terminal. Frustrated, I reminded Dawn of the urgency of the order and my delivery window. Her response:
You mean, Dawn: Why would I follow your advise to place an order on your assurance that you could meet the delivery timeline? Well, that was all I needed to hear from Dawn; I asked for her supervisor. Here's where it really went off the rails...
Supervisor comes on the phone HOT. He immediately starts yelling at me. I tried to explain that Dawn had thrown her hands up and did not appear to be trying to help me out when he (name never given) cuts me off and tells me that Dawn had been working on the matter for at least 45 minutes.... Unfortunately for this guy, I happened to be on a phone that tracks my call times (anybody want to guess what I do for a living?), so I advised him that Dawn could not have been working on the matter for anywhere near that long. Supervisor is incensed: "Are you calling me a liar!?" "No sir", I say. "But you must be misinformed by Dawn or exaggerating the time on this, because I'm staring at the time detail on my phone even as we speak." What does supervisor do???
He literally screams at me: "F@#$ you! I'm cancelling your f@#$ing order!!" And he hangs up!!!
I tried calling back (twice), but they simply picked up and slammed the receiver down again....
Yes, they did cancel my order. Worst customer service experience ever.