Solid choice as far as Cineplex complexes go. Much nicer option than Scotiabank or the Y&E Silver City, for sure! They have a range of sizes of cinemas - I tend to prefer the smaller ones, but they're all comfy enough with decent sound. Concession stands are standard fare & price for a chain. Washrooms are well maintained and decent.
FIlms on offer are a surprising mix of mainstream and a few indie releases - it's sort of a halfway point of what to see between, say, Scotiabank & the Cumberland. If it weren't the regular steep chain price for films, i'm sure i'd be heading there more often - and that's not really location-specific, but it's something that generally drops a star for me on cinemas.
Bonus for having it easily accessible underground from the subway, and for being close to some good "loitering waiting for friends to turn up" places - either generally around the "mall" type areas or in places such as Chapters/Indigo.