| - Um. NO. Not my church. Unequally Yoked Patriarchy at its WORST! Attended Starting Point tonight. They openly said "We're marketing for men" . We play music that does not require any feminine high notes, because we want the men to sing. WHY? CCV is Men pastors, men "elders", men to console you and answer your dumb female questions. CCV said we used to have flowers-women liked the flowers, but the men were in the corner bored. We removed the flowers and put MANLY motorcycles to fix this-making the women bored. Much better!
Hamburgers and Hot Dogs so you can be manly, SPORTS on T.V., Sports Everywhere. Sorry guys, Jesus loved me, a woman, and would have shared flowers AND motorcycles. Removing anything feminine loses me. I'm not looking to follow my husband. I follow Jesus, you dummies. Jesus loved and NURTURED Mary Magdalene, Mary and Martha, his mother Mary, the woman who bled, the woman he saved from being stoned, the woman at the well. And we were a 100% equally welcome part of his sermon. Jesus never said he was focusing on men to save. Women count. JUST as equal!